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Primary School


The Primary School Programme at Voyage Chinese inculcates a development for deeper knowledge and understanding in Chinese

Our Primary School Programme develops learners for deeper knowledge and understanding of Chinese that is in line with Singapore's MOE Chinese Syllabus from Primary 1 to Primary 6.

Our dynamic range of learning activities will help to keep them grounded in their command of the Chinese language whilst polishing their use of vocabulary for language structure.


Strengthened Fluency in Chinese

Learners will gain confidence in distinguishing the appropriate use of words in forming a sentence.

Robust Vocabulary for
Language Structure

Learners will grasp the use of the Chinese language structure through story reading and pick up a host of words in their vocabulary.

Applying knowledge into context

Through constant practice of  writing short stories and compositions, learners are able to polish their use of words fluidly to tell a story.

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